
Along with trying to update the design of robots, Registering patents and membership in international institutions, we tried to participate in exhibitions and competitions. Below you can see some of our achievements

PCT Patent

Escoraft's team has a PCT (PCT/IB2022/054931) under their co-founders' name which protects their IP based on their unique design and applications in 153 countries. This IP will be transferred to their Canadian Company once they have obtained their work permit/ PR.

The invention was designed to solve the presence of the last kind of develops rescue at sea to provide higher efficiency and speed of rescuer at sea.The present technology includes a remote controlled or autonomous motorized vehicle for rescuing individuals or group of drowning victims in the water.In addition,instead of using a larger structure to provide higher buoyancy in rescuing people,the robot used the inflatable technology to decrease the whole size of the vehicle and have opportunity to release several inflatable connectable and detachable rescue tubes to rescue group of people in mass rescue meanwhile because of lower buoyancy. special hull of vehicle has possibility to move under weaves to reach drowning victims faster than ordinary robots.

Third International Invention and Innovation Competition

IFIA hold the 3rd Edition of The International Invention and Innovation Competition for all IFIA INV Members who have gained The INV title from around the world and Abbas Rahmani, chief executive officer of hashtag ESCORAFT hashtag startup company successfully to receive a silver medal of the Third International Invention and Innovation Competition for hashtag IFIA hashtag INV Members 2023

IFIA members as an inventor and inventions association

The CEO of our start-up ecosystem succeeded in receiving IFIA members as an inventor and inventions association.

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